Morning lovelies hope all is well in everyones household!! well im at the hospital today to see about the awful pain so hoping for some answers!! This is a quickie card, and I wont get any more done now until after christmas as my cardmaking day is sundat,and we know what day that is dont we!! lol. Its a sureya image coloured with polychromos, the little shoe is from beadcrafty, the ribbon is from stash and the flowers and silver bits are from wild orchid crafts. Hope you all have alovely day whatever your doing and thanks so much for visiting me, it means a lot huggies and love xxxxxx
Hello and welcome everyone to my little space. Its lovely of you to pop over. I hope you enjoy your visit an please pop back I will return the compliment huggies from me xx
Benji Gizmo and Missy

20 Dec 2011
18 Dec 2011
My tiny crafting space and a fortieth card
15 Dec 2011
EEEh a new DT position at Lili's little fairies sooo excited
Hello me lovelies , well ive been bursting to tell someone, and now I can, Ive been asked to join the new DT for Lili's little fairies its a the new challenge blog for everyone that loves LOTV stamps, it was formerly LOTV challenge,and im ever so honoured. EEEh im a new fairy lol, im flapping my little wings with excitement, can you see me he he.To launch it theres loads of brilliant candy, which runs till Jan 4th so why not pop over and have a look,at Lili's little fairies Im over the moon to be joining these amazing ladies,and so honoured to be asked!! so watch this space!!!!
14 Dec 2011
Another Christmas card
Good morning me lovelies, well I did another christmas card,mind I dont know why cos I buy all mine I know tragic! but I have a lot to send and wouldnt be able to do them all on a sunday, so yes im admitting it heh e. I think the little elf is whiff of joy, it was a pressie from my likkle freind Pops, what a sweetie. Its coloured with copics. The large snowflake is a chipboard shape I saw hiding in the corner of my beaureaux and has probably been there about 5 years lol. The card is cut with my new grand calibur, oh im loving it.,I made the little roses with a die and the other flower is wild orchid crafts, the little pearsls are from stash I bought a paper pen but it aint much good for making pearls arghh. The bows are just a couple I threw together lol. Its christmas dinner in the hospice this week and tha patients get a visit from santa each day, its alovely week and really gets you into thinking what christmas is all about. So im off to get ready for work. I hope you all have alovely daywhatever your doing, and be careful with the winds its pretty bad up north, Stay safe and thank you for popping by it really means a lot to me, loads of love and big huggies June xx
13 Dec 2011
Saturated canary and my grand callibur whoop!!!! And..............I got me a blog back.
Hi me lovelies, well whos a lucky bunny then, I got me a grand calibur from My lovely stephen, and im over the moon. I love shaped card and couldnt wait to save up for one of these ,me bottle had over seventy pounds in it, so I thought not a lot to get now, but this appeared on the table when I got in from work so im just like a kid with a new toy!!. Sooooo this is a saturated canary image I actually coloured weeks ago, with my copics. I cut her out and wished I hadnt but it was too late then lol. The ribbon is from my stash as is all the other bits and pieces. Oh the likkle corner was cut with my cuttlebug. Well dad comes this morning, so im off to prepare my dinner so I can talk to him when hes here, I hope you all have a lovely day, and just chill and enjoy yourselves if its poss. Thanks for popping by, and im so pleased I have my blog back!!!! xxxx
12 Dec 2011
Freebie from make it crafty.
Hello me lovlies well we have a had another sunday lol and I managed three cards, but I think me mojos gone off to the north pole at the mo!! do you ever have these times when you think arghh me cards are rubbish (its quite often with me I tell ya!!!!) but never the less, Im putting me worst one on first he he. I, so envious of all you brilliant cardmakers layouts etc, and I cn never think of anything different to flowers each corner and a bow!!!!! ooh I know im moaning lol. Anyhoooooo I made this with a freebie I got from make it crafty, she is coloured on brown card, from the inside of wrapping paper, the flowers are from hobbycraft, The paper is love letters and from a new pad I bought on saturday and cannot for the life of me remeber what its called!! but its dark and cold here and me papers in the conservartory so apologies, for not giving you the name of it.
Well hopefully im off to show stephen fenwicks window tonight, hope I can get parked in newcastle, it will probably be manic! I hope everyone has alovely day and has enjoyed the weekend loads of love from me .
Well hopefully im off to show stephen fenwicks window tonight, hope I can get parked in newcastle, it will probably be manic! I hope everyone has alovely day and has enjoyed the weekend loads of love from me .
5 Dec 2011
Well not too bad a day..and a saturated canary card
4 Dec 2011
saturated canary and a commission
Challenges im entering..........Colour create, Red white and green
30 Nov 2011
another sunday card saturated canary
Hello lovelies, well I was back at work today but shouldnt be in really, im still in the same pain so will ring the docs again ,monday for yet another appointment!! its awful, Puss is going in monday too to sort out her mouth so thats gonna be costly arghh never mind im rambling, back to the card, its a saturated canary image coloured with polychoromos, the paper is hot off the press (Yes I know I must save and get some new papers!) Made the bow and Ihad the little stocking in my stash. The corners are cut with my cuttlebug (I dream of a grand calibur one day) and the flowers are from wild orchid crafts .I hope everyone is fit and well, im freezing so off to get the jamas on, take care all love and huggies from me xxxxx
28 Nov 2011
Happy monday and a Tilda
Morning lovelies, hope everyone is fit and well, im still in pain but thank goodness have a docs appointment this afternoon, This is the second card I made yesterday, Its a Tilda given to me by my lovely pal Bev Rochester I just so had to get her coloured, I just think shes so cute!!! Shes coloured with copics, tha paper I think is a really old hot off the press pad, which I have had for about ten years and still love. The flowers are from hobbycraft,I edged them with stickles which my other lovely angel Pops sent me (ive had a lovely week of surprises!!!) I made a brad with my brad maker to match the paper, the rest of the stuff is from stash. I hope you all have a lovely monday whatever your up to stay warm, its preety cold this morning up north. huggies and love from me xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
27 Nov 2011
Im still here sunday"""
26 Nov 2011
Angels we call friends
Good afternoon lovelies hope you are all ok, im not well and have to wait another couple of hours to se if the antibiotcs work if not it could be hospital for intravenous, please no!!! I hate hospitals, I;m a nurse in a hospice and when the boots on the other foot im we shall see. Also I have to take my little cat to the vet at 4 as she is urinating blood arghh bless her, so not good, But on a lighter note, I would like to thank two very special people for cheering me up big time this week, the lovely Pops Morfitt and Bev Rochester, you two are angels, and made my week, two people that I havent really met have been just so very kind, and im eternally grateful, see freinds are angels in disguise, these two certainly are, have a lovely weekend everyone and if im still here tomorrow I would love to try and make a card!!!!!! huggies and love from me xxx
21 Nov 2011
A teeny bit better and no sparkle lol
20 Nov 2011
Two rubbish cards today
18 Nov 2011
Another two coloured images
16 Nov 2011
another coloured saturated canary image
Hiya me lovelies, still no cards but at least I can colour, roll on the bathroom finished now and all the junk in the conervatory will be moved and I can get on with making something!! Hope you are all fit and well. This is a saturated canary image coloured with polychromos on my insides of wraping paper rolls. he he. The colours are far deeper in real life so dont know what goig on with the camera arghhh!!!Have a good day everyone and im ever so grateful for the comments it really makes my day, thankyou huggies June xxxxxx
13 Nov 2011
My first attempt at colouring on kraft card
Boo hoo no card weekend
Just popped by to say hello, im having my bathroom started tomorrowand with my house being small and people coming and going wont be able to go into my conseratory, its full of tiles, so I wont be able to make a card this weekend but never mind im still popping by all of your lovely blogs and hopefully I will have time to play next weekend , huggies and love from me xxxx
9 Nov 2011
My last card of the weekend, roll on sunday when I can make another lol
8 Nov 2011
Another Mos image my second card of the weekend
Hello me lovely blogging pals. hope everyone is fit and well. Im off to work this morning and dont usually do tuesdays, never mind it will soon be half three lol. This is the second of my three cards I made sunday, shes another Mos image I adore this little angel. Ive coloured her with copics, and this time I tried the acrylic paint around stuff, but I dont think I put enough on as it doesnt really show, I was hoping for a more distressed look, but its my first time so ive let myself off lol. The flowers are wild orchid crafts, The ropey stuff I found at the bottom of a bag of flowers, (yup I work out of carrier bags, dont have a craft room).Papers are an old hot off the press collection about ten years old, I must save for some of the new papers eh? Buttons are from stash. Ive added a bit flower soft to the bottom and twinkets although it hasnt shown up grrr!!! I hope you all have a lovely day whatever your doing, I'd better move now and get sorted for work!!!!! Thanks for popping by it really means a lot huggies and love from me xxxx
6 Nov 2011
Mos digital pencil too image
Hello me lovlies, well I made 3 cards today, im getting away with myself lol. Hope everyone is well, Ive been up since 3 arghhh so im tired now!! This is am mos digital pencil image, coloured with copics,I must admit I cut her out and mounted her onto green first but it just didnt look right so stuck her back onto white card lol, the paper is an old hot off the press, The flowers and corners are from wild orchid crafts. The corners are edged with twinklets, I love them but I keep getting bits in my hands and it hurts!!!.The sentiment is a freebie and I owe a massive apolgy to whoever made it but I really cant remember where I got it. Well off to have a cuppa and natter wiht my lovely mam. Take care and have alovely evening thanks for popping by im really grateful love and huggies June xxxx
1 Nov 2011
Saturated canary different christmas card
Hello me lovelies, well this is the 2nd of my sunday cards, (its the only day I can make any cards)boo hoo. She is a saturated canary image coloured with copics,I yried to make the net boit on the skirt see through but it wasnt a real success The sentiment is an acrylic one which I had in a kit eons ago. The paper is K and co, and Kraft card, although mine isnt real Kraft card as I use the brown stuff out of the rolls of birthday paper, it looks similar lol, Pom poms are from hobbycraft, I punched my snowflakes with a woodware and an x cut punch then put crackle paint on them but they dont look very crackly!!!Then I covered loads of areas with Twinklets but they havent shown up on the picture, I just made the base and made it like an easel card as I thought it just needed a base. Ah well roll on next sunday for a play. Happy november to everyone and thank you so much for leaving me a comment it really means a lot. Huggies June xxxxx
30 Oct 2011
Ive made a tent card yee haa!!!!
Challenges im entering.............sweet stampin. "Anything goes"
Charisma cardz challenge, "Anything goes"
28 Oct 2011
Sorry just another image no card day yet
Hiya me lovelies , well as you can see I still cant make a card and im really sick of it now, if builders etc would only turn up when they promised!! but they dont eh> so my conservatory is blocked in with plinths etc grrr. So I coloured this saturated canary image (I love em) but im not happy with her, the background will be cut away slightly so you wont see the outline of the background shadow, the colours didnt go well!!! I tried to make the net at the bottom see through and its not bad but it was a first attempt, must practise!!! Hope everyone is fit and well, im still coughing week three, maybe next week I will be cough free eh? Take care and have a lovely weekend, thanks for popping by I really appreciate it, love and huggies June xx
25 Oct 2011
Some more colouring, and my own image (keeping me sane)
Hiya me lovelies well done some more colouring, makes a change from cards.....not. Hope you are all fit and well and staying warm, its freezing up north. The first is a saturated canary digi coloured in red this time and I think I like her better, the next one is my own drawing I was messing around lol. Take care huggies and love xxx
24 Oct 2011
Sorry no card again just a couple of coloured images
Hello me lovlies, im still suffering with this horrible cold and half the house have it now too!!! But I must go back to work wednesday so I hope im ok for then, wouldnt like to put any of the patients at risk bless them. Well im just waiting for the plinths on the kitchen then some odds and ends and that is done............but then its the bathroom and all the tiles etc are still in the conservattory so its still a no go. Im suffering honestly, with not being able to make at least one card, its not a lot to ask eh!!!!.Anyway im still colouring and this one seems to be really popular at the minute, I love Mos images, and I do hope ive done her justice. Hope you are all fit and well and havent succumbed the dreaded bugs!!! huggies and love from me xxxxxx
21 Oct 2011
Still no card boo hoo but another coloured image.
Hello loveies, im suffereing big time, having not been able to craft for over a month and still not a day in sight, I think I wil go mad, Im loaded with cold too, aw well theres a lot of folks worse off than me, so I shouldnt grumble. Well this is my todays little coloured image, its a Rick st Dennis image and is just waiting to be stuck on a card.................eventually!!! I hope everyone is fit and well and have alovely weekend, huggies and love from me xxx
14 Oct 2011
not a card but a coloured image
Hiya lovelies well I feel dire and couldnt be bothered to do anything so thought I would colour up a couple of images for when I can get back in my conservatory, this is one of them from saturated canary, was going to do pink but thought again, I think now it may be too drab but I can always do another, The back gardens now a bombsite waiting for the block paving lads returning in the morning. Hope you are all ok and dont have this dreaded lurgy, off to get my pjs on now, loads of love June x
Arghhh cold!!!
Good morning lovelies, sitting in the dark in the middle of the night its nice to know youare all out there. I started to get cold yesterday and ive been up since two!! also have a mammoth coldsore, does anyone else have this cold as I havent been beside anyone with it. had to ring text my team leader as they wouldnt want me in, we have too many vulnerable patients in the hospice. so couldnt risk it,but I hate missing work. Aw well off for the paracetamol I hope everyone is well and have alovely weekend huggies from me xxxx ooh and I have only soil out of my back as the block pavers started yesterday!!!!!
13 Oct 2011
No card Thursday!!!!
Morning Lovelies, just been going round the blogs and getting some inspiration for when I can finally get at my buroo in the conservatory!!! Kitchen stillnot finished although its getting there, the leccy hasnt turned out yet again!! so I still dont have my spotlights or lights under the cupboards. arghhh the block pavers are coming,yes just throw it sll at me at once!!!!! the bathroom is supposed to be getting started next week, and I still dont have a thermostat for my combi which has been in three weeks on saturday. Aw well cant do anything about it, so im off to brave the traffic into newcastle where I work, happy thursday!!!!!!!!!!! xxxx
9 Oct 2011
Problem with blooger can anyone help
Hiya me lovelies from a wet and cold Blyth!! Im having such a problem leaving my comments on some blogs, what is happening is its coming up with select profile as it does, but when im putting it in it just refreshees and asks the same again, on some blogs im putting my name and URL but some dont give me the option. I dont want to miss anyone out, this was happening yesterday too when I tried to blog hop. Would anyone know what is wrong. I hope you all have a lovely sunday and thankyou huggies June xx
7 Oct 2011
Getting there.....................slowly!!!
Morning lovelies, I wont bore you with details but I do wish I had a kitchen taking into account it is nearly 3 weeks!!! been let down by a few peeps mostly the electrician so im still sitting with my halogen cooker trying to cook for 6 people im sick of the sight of sandwiches!!!! never mind this is it so far, hope everyone is fit and well and keeping warm , its absolutley freezing up north!!!!!!!
4 Oct 2011
Yee haa one day I may have a kitchen
29 Sept 2011
Malware on my blog!!!!!
Hello lovelies, im gutted, a couple of peeps have said when they visit my blog it comes up with a warning about malware!!!!! Well I have removed the last two things I put on the sicebar and a background hoping this will fix it, otherwise im beat, would anyone know what to do, im upset now!!!!!!! thanks so much have alovely day, Oh and apparently the malware threat is from sshhcreations blogspot, I dont know who this is!!! xxxx
28 Sept 2011
Done ages ago and kitchen update
Hiya me lovelies by gum aint it hot!!! been stuck in the hospice all day, was supposed to be taking patients out butt wo didnt want to go so we cancelled.This is a card I made ages ago with a freebie image from papercraft inspirations , flowers from wild orchid crafts, hearts are a martha stewart punch, the sentiment was lying in my stash so dint know where it was from, but I know the pin came from tabbycrafts when she had her shop!.Well the ceiling boards are up but the plasterer is apparently stuck in sunderland so cant come today!!!!! thats another day with no kitchen, they are now looking at next weekend, im totally fed up now as you can imagine living in muck and not having a clue where anything is!!! hey ho. Hope y ou are all enjoying the indian summer, take care love and huggies June xxxxxxxx
24 Sept 2011
Update on my likkle hoos!!!
Arghhhhhhh!!!! well I dont know if I live in a house anymore as its all falling down around me!!! the kitchen and ceiling came down on thursday, and today the commbi is going into the loft, so I ve had to clean that out (and that nearly filled the skip!!!!) next week im hoping work is starting on getting me akitchen back, and after that the bathroom is pulled out, and the block paving outside is done...............I so miss my crafting boo hoo, but I an still visit you all, they have not taken my computer thank the lord!!!! Im hanging in there lol. I hope you all have alovely weekend and enjoy whatever your doing, Take care huggies and love from me xxxxxxx
21 Sept 2011
Last card for a while
Hiya me lovelies, well as you know im having majoy refits in the house, so my crafting stash wil be out of bounds for a while but im till here to look at everyones lovely creations!! This is another oldy and ive had her that long I cant remember what she is called,but im sure someone will know. Shes coloured with copics, ribbon is from stash and flowers are from wild orchid crafts and dainty suppplies, Corners are from wild orchid crafts. The wee bit of stitching or should I say faux is with my little hand and me white gel pen lol. The rest is stuff ive had forever!!! oh how I envy all the new crafting stuff on themarket. Well off to work soon, so everyone have a lovely day whatever your doing. Love and huggies from me xx
20 Sept 2011
My first Christmas card
Good morning me lovelies, well this is the first christmas card of the year, and it may be the last lol, on thursday my whole kitchen is being pulled, out, even the ceiling!!! so all of my kitchen will have to go into the conservatory, anyone got a sandwich maker I can borrow!!!! arghhh we will be eating anything to hand until its finished goodness knows when. Then saturday the combi boiler is going in, so I have to empty the loft, then the bathroom is going in (all in the next couple of weeks, and no time off work!!!) can you imagine, 6 in the house and it being like this!!! Soooooo I may not get any cards made for a while boo hoo,but at least me pc isnt being disconnected!OOOps back to the card, the paper is dcwv and HOTP really old pad i have (everything is old lol). Flower is one I pieced together eons ago and found in a box. Coloured with copics.Me little finger sewing machine was going mad round the edge. Aw well off to get ready for hospital appointment. Hope you all have a lovely day huggies and love from me xxxx
18 Sept 2011
A card made with mos Penelope's Party wagon
.HIya everyone hope you are all well, I made this card with the Mos digital penci limage I coloured yesterday. Flowers are from wild orchid crafts, Paper is hot off the press, pins are from e bay and the rest is stash, ooh the sentiment is create with TLC. Thanks for popping by again , it really makes my day, thanks so much Huggies and love June xxx
Challenges im entering, Mo's DP" challenge..............................Celebrate
Challenges im entering, Mo's DP" challenge..............................Celebrate
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