Hello and welcome everyone to my little space. Its lovely of you to pop over. I hope you enjoy your visit an please pop back I will return the compliment huggies from me xx
Hello me lovely pals, well wont go into detail as im in quite alot of pain and I know you wouldnt believe it from the photo but thats what fibro and M.E and gastric problems do, make you look like nothings wrong with you, whe inside you feel terrible, but like the title dont want to moan cos then everyone thinks your a misery guts and I dont wanna be one of those!!! I took Stephen to the woodhorn colliery museum, this morning, its only 8 miles from me, and its really a good day out,mind we were only there an hour, but theres some great stuff to see, including this miner having a wash!!...........................well I had to didnt I !!!!! have a great evening whatever your doing, sending me biggest huggies to you all xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx